Arma 3 mechanized infantry
Arma 3 mechanized infantry

We pride ourselves on being immersive and realistic in the planning and execution of missions but allowing our members to operate freely and have a good time while remaining as realistic as possible. 7CMBG as a MILSIM unit that looks for realism and follows strict ROEs when the mission or campaign calls for them. Our goal is to build a professional-looking unit with great servers and like-minded people to have fun in an immersive environment. We are the oldest Canadian Armed Forces MILSIM unit in the ARMA community. How can you join? We have several ways to contact us the quickest is to connect onto the unit’s Discord and to send a message in our recruitment channel, you can also send us a message on the OPTRE discord by sending a message to Theron or Chancy.7CMBG has been around since 2007 through ARMA 2 and is now solely an ARMA 3 unit. Finally, we ask that members inform us if they are going to be absent from an operation, so we can adapt the operation to the player numbers. The operations will be a variety of missions that are based around the operations that UNSC mechanized infantry would often encounter. Our general mission length is about two to two and a half hours after which we give members the option to carry on if they wish.

arma 3 mechanized infantry

What is required Ībout our operations Currently our session time is at 15:30 Eastern Standard Time on Sundays, we ask that all our members connect ten to fifteen minutes early to get the mission started quickly. We also expect that you respect all other members of the unit, rank doesn’t mean anything, but if you attempt to cause drama it will not be tolerated. What would we expect from you? We primarily expect that you are serious when in operation, if anything happens in operation, it stays in operation.

arma 3 mechanized infantry

You can go in nearly any role, except for Leadership which is earned from experience or merit. We have a small rank structure, but it is used only to show experience or merit within the unit. What should you expect from us? A relaxed chilled environment where the number one priority is that you enjoy yourself. We are made up of a rich variety of individuals with various experiences in real life and in ARMA. Have you ever wanted to travel to faraway places? Have you ever wanted to meet new people? And then kill them? Well sign up to the UNSC 124th Mechanized Infantry Brigade! So, who are we you might wonder? We are a casual milsim community basing ourselves off the UNSC Army in the Insurrection era of the Halo universe.

Arma 3 mechanized infantry