Beyond the night stargate atlantis
Beyond the night stargate atlantis

beyond the night stargate atlantis

(He points to the shield generator control console. (He trails off, embarrassed, while Ronon grins at him and Teyla unsuccessfully tries to hide a smile.) Let's start here, shall we? McKAY: Oh! Well, I'm sure I can learn, um. NORINA: I'm sure I could learn a lot from you, Doctor.

beyond the night stargate atlantis

(he reaches behind him and pulls his laptop computer, which was velcroed to his back, off with a loud ripping sound). I'm sure we can fix whatever needs fixing. SHEPPARD (deliberately talking over him): The good news is you found our address. Our knowledge of the technology is limited, and the Ancestors regrettably neglected to leave behind instruction manuals. Our shield generator has been giving us trouble for some time now. TEYLA: So as not to attract the attention of the Wraith. We tried several addresses from the database but were beginning to wonder if anyone could hear us. LYCUS: And thank you for finally answering our calls for assistance. (She introduces the team.) Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard, Doctor Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan and Ronon Dex. SHEPPARD: Well, it didn't do it by itself! SHEPPARD: You've blow up entire planets, Rodney. McKAY (defensively): I have a very firm grasp of Ancient technology. It took Doctor McKay years to figure out all things Ancient and he still doesn't completely understand. SHEPPARD: Ah, don't be so hard on yourself. McKAY: The austerity of the facility suggests that it was built during the height of war. (The controls on the panel on top of the console are obviously of Ancient design.)

beyond the night stargate atlantis beyond the night stargate atlantis

(She leads them down some steps to one of the consoles.) And this is our shield generator control. NORINA: This is our central Control Room. (Oblivious to their attention, Norina turns away from the window and gestures into the room.) Rodney is also more interested in Norina than the view from the window. John is standing behind her, looking more at her than at the view. With her are Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard, Doctor Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan and Ronon Dex. She is, inevitably, slim, blonde and gorgeous. Standing at the window looking out towards the Stargate is Doctor Norina Pero, a woman in her thirties. Inside the observation deck is a Control Room, looking at least as advanced as Atlantis. At the front of the complex is a large glassed area, some sort of observation deck. This was obviously not built by your usual simple Pegasus colony. Massive shafts of varying sizes run up from the door to a large complex built into the side of the rock about halfway up the cliff. At the base of the cliff is a large doorway, perhaps twenty or more feet high, with huge doors. TARANIS. Taranis is a planet which has a Stargate near to a cliff of volcanic rock.

Beyond the night stargate atlantis